We’re Back Hi, It has been along time since we were here. Moira Gums flooded in October 2022 and only just re-0pened for Easter at the end of March 2024. The whole area was cut off for 6 weeks and the property was inundated for the whole time. It was a massive...


Blog 2! Apologies for the delay in posting.  This Divi platform is a great tool but it has so many features it will take a while for Maureen to familiarize herself with them.  Please bear with us while we navigate our way through all this technology! Covid 19...
Welcome to the first Moira Gums Blog!

Welcome to the first Moira Gums Blog!

Hi there, Welcome to the first Moira Gums Blog! 2020 was a very difficult year for everybody. Moira Gums started operating on 1 March 2020 but very quickly had to shut down due to the first Covid 19 lockdown. We started up again and were fully booked for the month of...